Culture Change
26 March 2025
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This is it, so sorry no-one was ready: Climate chaos = sudden actions
by Jan Lundberg   
26 March 2012
As Roger Waters expressed on the dark 1981 Pink Floyd album, The Final Cut, "There's too many home fires burning / and not enough trees / So f--k all that..." In other words, too many people consuming.

It's all becoming obvious. The heat wave called "March summer" registers, to those noticing, like a sentence to be marched off to the ovens. Ecocide = genocide. But many people still do have minds of their own. So it is good news we are all hit with the ultimate wake-up call. Adhering to the status quo, trying to ignore our environment, will give way to taking action and treating the climate carefully. One might even go off in search of water instead of looking at Facebook.

The Imperative of Revolutionary Nonviolence
by S. Brian Willson   
19 January 2012
Image[Essay originally published as a chapter in World Without Violence, edited by Arun Gandhi (India: Wiley Eastern Limited/New Age International Limited, 1994)]

Nonviolence is a way of life, an external manifestation of an internal peace. Nonviolence is mindfulness and consciousness of the sacred, of the interconnectedness of ourselves with everything and every being. It is an attitude, an awareness, an understanding, a manner of expression and interaction operating from a deep internal integration that honors this sacred interconnectedness.

Recommended arguments against tar sands Keystone XL Pipeline threat
by Jan Lundberg   
16 December 2011
On Dec. 15, I provided to Bill McKibben, author and founder of, several considerations for opposing the infamous tar sands pipeline. It is right now being forced down our throats if President Obama does not veto a spending bill. At the bottom of this recommendation, we provide an activist alert to fight the Senate's and the White House's tendency to compromise at the expense of the public's and nature's health.

In addition to well-known environmental objections to the Keystone XL Pipeline -- offered to counter the "jobs" and "lessen foreign oil" arguments by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives -- we recommend a long-term approach.

How China and America can work together to solve climate crisis - ACTIVIST ALERT
by Jan Lundberg   
09 December 2011
Announcing: Debt-for-Nature Coalition for US and China (DNCUSC, or DNC)

So you thought, "we're screwed. The UN Climate Change Conference talks in Durban were a pre-ordained failure, and no progress is possible for who knows how long."

Fortunately, there is a way to immediately begin bypassing nationalistic and corporate power-tripping in Durban and at the UN. It relies on a win-win-win grassroots, bottom-up resolution, starting at the local level.

Our flurry of activity and "sacrifice"
by Jan Lundberg   
01 November 2011
Culture Change and Sail Transport Network are off to Washington, D.C. this week.

We'll have an exhibit table at the peak oil conference on Capitol Hill, Nov. 2 - 5. The Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas meeting is a valuable experience for any participant, and in our case we're offering a lot too. Aside from our journalism to cover the conference for you, we're bringing ideas and proposals that can do much for energy policy and peace:

The World After Industrial Civilization Goes
by Jan Lundberg   
20 October 2011
ImageAuthor Keith Farnish has a problem with Western Civilization. So do I. I mean, Mozart is all well and good, but destroying the planet through industrialism and growth isn't quite worth civilization's accomplishments. Or is extinction a small price to pay for our glorious expansion? The downsides are hard-wired to the dominant culture.

Even if sustainability were not a critical issue, for anyone to have to pay to live on Earth is a ridiculous notion for a society to undertake. But this is our brilliant system, whereby people are conditioned to compete and buy into their own slavery.

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Culture Change was founded by Sustainable Energy Institute (formerly Fossil Fuels Policy Action), a nonprofit organization.
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